MISSION: Junior Achievement's mission is to educate and inspire young people to succeed in a global economy by teaching them critical skills in workforce readiness, financial literacy and entrepreneurship. AGENCY SELF-DESCRIPTION: While 84% of students want more financial education to understand how to manage their money, ongoing budget cuts have caused many schools to reduce or drop this curriculum. As a result, Arizona teens are graduating without a basic understanding of how to manage their money and are making financial mistakes that will take years to correct. We cannot afford to let this trend continue. That is why, every year, JA provides 983,749 hours of financial curriculum instruction to more than 90,000 K-12 students in 380 schools with the help of 9,500 generous volunteers.
Sunday, 15 January 2017
- Street: Junior Achievement of Arizona, 636 West Southern Avenue
- City: Tempe
- State: AZ
- Postcode: 85282
- Telephone: (480) 219-0212
- E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Services: Welcomes Volunteers
- Website: http://www.jaaz.org
- Sunday, 15 January 2017